Book Review, Books

Lessons From A Book Blogger

I’m almost at my 6 year book blogging anniversary. This year I have slacked BIG time. Having only read 11 books so far is disgraceful for me. By now I’m at least past 50 read, but this year I’ve been in a super reading funk.

This funk has taught me some things: Don’t over splurge requesting on Net Galley! I’m loosing my love of reading. I’m over my YA phase. I’ve stopped caring.

I decided to get rid of my NetGalley account. I’ve been reviewing with them over 5 years. They are wonderful. It’s not them. It’s me. I over did my requests. They do warn you to not over request. It was too easy to go on a request binge like a gambling addict. Maybe the next request will get approved. It was an addiction and compulsion. When I began to not want to read that was a major red flag to me. I want to love reading again.

Will I still review? Sure. Just not through NetGalley. Do I recommend going through them? Yes. Just don’t go down my road of binging.

I’m determined to love reading again.


Crazy Joy

The cover is a patchwork of letters in bright colors. The topic of joy is an appealing one, especially in the times we are in. We do need more joy. I was excited to get to read this new title by MK.

I’ll be honest. I was in the headspace for a more in depth theological book on the subject. The category Christian Living does not equate to that. If you want Christianity light then this is the book for you.

MK shares some great stories from her life that show how she has found and implemented joy into her life. She makes some great points on what joy is and what it is not. MK also shares how happiness and joy are two different things.

I was hoping for some Biblical wisdom on the subject of joy. There was a tiny bit of it, but to be blunt I think you could easily share this book with a nonbeliever and they wouldn’t run. In plain language this book isn’t preachy or filled with Christianese verbiage. Actually there are a few swear words inside. Certainly I’m not innocent in that regard, but it did surprise me a bit.

I received a copy of Crazy Joy by Mary Katherine Backstrom from Worthy Publishing and NetGalley in exchange for my honest review. Thoughts expressed are strictly my own and my own choice. If you are looking for a somewhat lighthearted read on the topic of joy with a variety of life stories interspersed then I recommend this upcoming book, Crazy Joy.

Behind the mask, Celebrity, Documentary Review, Hollywood, Pris Hilton

Behind The Glamour & Makeup

I don’t know squat about Paris Hilton. All I’ve observed about her is what’s been broadcasted on the TV and media: glamour, parties, drama and those classic burger commercials for Carl’s Jr. Needless to say all that didn’t endear me to know more about her.

Her recent documentary: The Real Story of Paris Hilton on YouTube was recommended in my feed. I figured I would try it. I finished watching it this morning. I’m humbled and floored. Paris is so much more than what is shown through social media and media in general. I don’t want to give spoilers, except to recommend watching it.

I’m proud of you Paris for speaking up and out. You have been through so much. You have been under a social microscope coming from a high society family. There is so much expected of you that’s not necessarily spoken, but assumed. I applaud you for standing up. Be you. Don’t be afraid to take off your social glamour mask.

Books, Personal

Fleecing The Flock

Retail price for Bibles should be criminal. Fake leather editions are as pricy as bonded leather. It’s sickening. Does it truly cost that much to make a non genuine leather Bible? How has making the Bible accessible become a cash cow?

Recently visiting a large Christian bookstore was eye opening not to mention how New Age has infiltrated left and right. It was very in your face. I couldn’t believe there were crystals bracelets and a whole section on the enneagram. I know believers will squawk that it’s not demonic. I beg to differ. I was at a regular bookstore that had a new age table of books and the same eye image was front and center. Recently I’d bought a new Bible and going through it I discovered a drawing of an eye and it matches what’s below. I returned it.

While at the Christian bookstore I felt like screaming, crying, but mostly wanted to sob out of the grief of all the New Age that was sprinkled throughout the store. I was thoroughly disturbed.


Rona is a mental cluster Fudge!

Yes, I dared use the matriarch of all swear words, but sadly I feel in this instance it perfectly describes what’s happened and is happening. The world is being held in abject TERROR over a virus. Yes, there is a risk with ANY virus. This particular one has been showcased through MSM as THE one we all need to fear.

What scares me worse than Rona? What scares me worse than a touted deadly virus is how the whole song and dance is ripping us ALL apart mentally. Can you truly go out into society and act just like you did prior to 2020? Personally no I can’t. I may appear that I am, but mentally I’m going over that I’m not to touch my face and as soon as my rear gets home I need to wash my hands.

I know masks are a hot topic. Either viewpoint you’re damned socially. What people aren’t thinking of is how it started out as merely wearing one for 2 weeks which stretched to much longer to the point of making us feel that if we weren’t wearing one it was like we’d forgotten to put on our underwear. Social conditioning is a sly beast and we’ve all been had. I like to breathe fresh air and not take back in my stinky breath from wearing a mask or what feels more like a muzzle.

Haven’t you noticed how this whole event has divided us whether it’s between family members, friends, significant others, etc? We’ve allowed this to break apart our families, friendships, etc. It’s transformed some of us into elitists and others of us into rebels. A line has been drawn.

Wether or not you view what’s unfolding before us as the End Times, can you sense how world events are escalating at a more rapid rate? Things are turning topsy turvy and it’s a lot to take in. So thankful I don’t own a TV. No news propaganda needed in my home.

You may not agree with one word I’ve typed. That’s ok. I know this post may cost me friendships, but I felt it was time to broach the true result of Rona. It’s psychologically changing us. We’ve been conditioned on so many different levels. The saddest thing is people’s legit fear of hugging someone. The elites have accomplished morphing us into good little slaves to their propaganda. For the good of everyone, but how much longer do you think our ‘freedom’ will last before they unleash their next bag of tricks to reach their end game?

Would love to hear your thoughts. Feel free to comment below. Looking forward to dialoging with you.

**DISCLAIMER: I am NOT a medical or psychology professional. This post is strictly my own views**

Detox, Personal, Self Care, Social Media

Post Detox: 3 Weeks

It’s been about 3 weeks since I’ve returned to social media. Honestly it’s not as exciting. People don’t really communicate through these platforms. Of course I don’t exactly bare my soul either. So, in that case do I keep it? Does it add to my life? If others don’t really communicate as directly then why keep it?

There are groups I’ve joined that I value. I may pair down who I have ‘friended’ on those platforms and keep it strictly to those I’m close to. Why just add to add if I know of someone or if they were an acquaintance of mine years ago? Not that I don’t care about those individuals, but why let everyone have a window into my personal life? Sure I don’t exactly share very personal things, but if and when I do share something personal I want it to feel like a safe space. No I’m not a millennial.

This detox was good for me. It showed me who kept in contact during it and who didn’t. I’m sure some maybe thought I wanted personal space, but wouldn’t I want to still hear from friends? Especially when taking a long break.

Detox, Personal, Self Care, Social Media

T-Minus 4

Today marks 4 weeks until my social media detox is over. 3 months has felt sluggish and yet sped by. Can I go back to the main social media platforms? I still have one more month of chosen quiet. I don’t know that I’ll return. If I choose to it’s to keep in contact with a select flew.

Part of me wants to scrub it from my life. Even to add into the mix Good Reads. Recently Jesnevertheless made a great point. She mentioned how sites like Good Reads has turned the joy of reading into a competition rather than a means to share one’s love of reading. I’m a sucker for a reading goal. This year I’m barely over half way to my own reading goal and that’s ok. Instead of focusing on enjoying the books I’m reading I could be internally freaking out I’m not going to reach my 2021 challenge. My focus is misplaced.

I also, have felt like book blogging is in its self a competition of sorts. It doesn’t help that I NetGalley request splurge like a drunk going on a shopping spree at midnight. I’ve felt convicted in this department. No more requests!

So will I be back on the usual social media suspects next month? Potentially and possibly not. I have provided direct contact to a few friends and for the most part there has been silence during my detox. Maybe they thought I want privacy or something. Who knows. All I know is that social media is a communication crutch to replace direct communication. You’re viewed like you’ve died if you leave the platform and welcomed back when you return.

Book Review, Books

Red Lip Theology

The title sucked me in and the contents through me out of my comfort zone like a touch down in a football game. This book dropped me headlong into what it’s like to be a black woman in the black church. I’m as much of a white girl as you can get, so this was a cultural journey I got to experience through the eyes of Candice.

The author was raised by her single mom. Though they didn’t always see eye to eye they still loved each other throughout their disagreements and tears. When suddenly Candice’s mom passes she discovers just how toxic the church can be when she was needing her church family the most.

This book is Candice’s faith journey, her experience of the being raised in the black church and how it shaped her. Not only does Candice share about how she’s come into her own faith, but how stepping outside the spiritual system she was raised in has helped her grow in ways she wasn’t expecting.

I’ll be honest. I facilitated between agreeing one moment and the next trying to not be horrified. I have had my own outside of the box journey and dipped my toe in areas of spirituality that I’ve skedaddled from in abject fear and repentance. We won’t know otherwise unless we explore. It’s not easy to decide to journey to what can be viewed as the wrong side of the spiritual tracks.

I received my complimentary digital copy of Red Lip Theology by Candice Marie Benbow from Convergent Books, care of NetGalley. The views shared are mine and fully my choice. If you are looking for a book on faith that will challenge your old school ways then I recommend checking out this upcoming 2022 title. I think I’m still mentally processing all I’ve read. Thank you for being bold when others would rather you be silent. Thank you Candice.