Books, Personal

Fleecing The Flock

Retail price for Bibles should be criminal. Fake leather editions are as pricy as bonded leather. It’s sickening. Does it truly cost that much to make a non genuine leather Bible? How has making the Bible accessible become a cash cow?

Recently visiting a large Christian bookstore was eye opening not to mention how New Age has infiltrated left and right. It was very in your face. I couldn’t believe there were crystals bracelets and a whole section on the enneagram. I know believers will squawk that it’s not demonic. I beg to differ. I was at a regular bookstore that had a new age table of books and the same eye image was front and center. Recently I’d bought a new Bible and going through it I discovered a drawing of an eye and it matches what’s below. I returned it.

While at the Christian bookstore I felt like screaming, crying, but mostly wanted to sob out of the grief of all the New Age that was sprinkled throughout the store. I was thoroughly disturbed.

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