Books, Personal

Fleecing The Flock

Retail price for Bibles should be criminal. Fake leather editions are as pricy as bonded leather. It’s sickening. Does it truly cost that much to make a non genuine leather Bible? How has making the Bible accessible become a cash cow?

Recently visiting a large Christian bookstore was eye opening not to mention how New Age has infiltrated left and right. It was very in your face. I couldn’t believe there were crystals bracelets and a whole section on the enneagram. I know believers will squawk that it’s not demonic. I beg to differ. I was at a regular bookstore that had a new age table of books and the same eye image was front and center. Recently I’d bought a new Bible and going through it I discovered a drawing of an eye and it matches what’s below. I returned it.

While at the Christian bookstore I felt like screaming, crying, but mostly wanted to sob out of the grief of all the New Age that was sprinkled throughout the store. I was thoroughly disturbed.

Book Review, Books

In Focus Meditation

This short book was outside my personal comfort zone. I haven’t read up on New Age Spirituality till this book. The main focus of this book is the different types of meditation. Other topics covered: chakras, spirit animals, Mediums, Tarot, Angels, spirit guides, etc. I almost wanted to DNF for spiritual reasons, but I pressed on and finished this book.

Honestly, after reading more in depth on this popular subject some of it I found superstitious, cheesy, but some parts I did find meaningful and helpful. I do want to start meditating. I do currently practice deep breathing to aid with calming and lowering my anxiety.

I received a digital ARC copy of In Focus Meditation by Jacqueline Towers From NetGalley. This review contains only my opinion. If you are looking for a book that gives you a basics 101 overview of this subject, then this would be a good book to choose.

Book Review, Books

The Reluctant Healer

Will is an attorney who goes to a bar after work with his coworker and has a chance meeting with a mysterious woman named Erica. She captures Will’s interest when she makes comments about his aura. Will is not into New Age lingo so it throws him off a bit, but when Erica mentions she senses he has healing powers his interest is piqued.

Will starts dating Erica and gets sucked into her alternative healing path. When an encounter with healing a man just by being in the room Will takes Erica’s stance a bit more seriously. Will he discover his healing powers?

This novel was outside my usual story zone. I think Will’s character was interesting seeing how he goes from skeptic to being more open to the alternative healing path. Erica’s character I found a bit on the bossy side. I didn’t feel Will and Erica’s relationship felt believable. I think it seemed like Will was being bullied into getting into Erica’s line of work, of energy healing. I did like hearing the story from Will’s perspective. His character is relatable in how we process new belief’s about life and mysteries we can’t always explain.

I received a complimentary ARC copy of The Reluctant Healer by Andrew Himmel from Greenleaf Book Group Press through Smith Publicity. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own. If you enjoy novels about spiritual discovery then you may enjoy this book.

Book Review, Books

The Miracle Club

I won’t lie. I’ve read Conversations with God by Neale Donald Walsch. The title of The Miracle Club is different. You have the green background that makes you think of money. The eye in the middle has so many possible connotations I don’t know if I want to get into it, but if you research the same eye that’s on your dollar bill you’ll get where I’m going with it. As soon as I saw the eye on this book cover, one word came to mind, but I digress.

This short book is about the New Thought movement, it’s history, its founders, their view of spirituality and what it looks like. The author also, talks about the subject of positive thinking and how throughout the decades it’s gotten a bad reputation. The author, Mitch Horowitz gives examples from his own life in how he’s incorporated New Thought into his life. Mr. Horowitz writes candidly about this topic that he’s passionate about. How can our thoughts direct our destiny? How can changing our thoughts change our course in life?

I received my free digital ARC of The Miracle Club by Mitch Horowitz from NetGalley care of Inner Traditions Bear and Co. The thoughts in this review and feedback are strictly my own. This book was short, but a lot to digest intellectually. If you have read other books on this subject matter you may find this book easier to understand. I don’t personally agree with all the views in this book, but I do think it’s important to understand other viewpoints that may differ from your own. I think it’s fascinating that the author did sprinkle in Bible verses, but looked at them from a metaphysical standpoint. New Age and the New Thought, metaphysics, are very popular, so I figured I might as well educate myself.