Book Review, Books

Lessons From A Book Blogger

I’m almost at my 6 year book blogging anniversary. This year I have slacked BIG time. Having only read 11 books so far is disgraceful for me. By now I’m at least past 50 read, but this year I’ve been in a super reading funk.

This funk has taught me some things: Don’t over splurge requesting on Net Galley! I’m loosing my love of reading. I’m over my YA phase. I’ve stopped caring.

I decided to get rid of my NetGalley account. I’ve been reviewing with them over 5 years. They are wonderful. It’s not them. It’s me. I over did my requests. They do warn you to not over request. It was too easy to go on a request binge like a gambling addict. Maybe the next request will get approved. It was an addiction and compulsion. When I began to not want to read that was a major red flag to me. I want to love reading again.

Will I still review? Sure. Just not through NetGalley. Do I recommend going through them? Yes. Just don’t go down my road of binging.

I’m determined to love reading again.

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