Book Review, Books


You don’t have to be trafficked to have been groomed. We all have people in our lives who have groomed us into who we’ve become. There are different types of ways to be groomed: for appearance, to be invisible, to endure, for judgement and for financial fear.

Being groomed for appearance is to look good for a particular person in your life. Maybe someone whose in a role of authority within society. This individual cares more about how your appearance comes across to others more then your thoughts, or feelings. They want you to make them look good. It’s their reputation on the line.

To be invisible is where you are the ultimate helper, don’t like being in the limelight and abhor conflict so you don’t stand up for yourself. This one spoke volumes to me personally. Your groomer’s goal is to keep you from speaking up, keep you helping.

To endure is where you compromise over and over with your groomer. You don’t stand up, similar to the woman whose made invisible by her groomer. You feel swamped with too, much on your plate, but you don’t stand up.

For judgement is where you can never seem to please your groomer. who ever that may be in your life. If every time you share something the other person finds fault with it, or constantly judges you on your decisions.

For financial fear is where your groomer keeps you dependent on them financially. This is where you are at the mercy of the groomer, not allowed to manage your own finances.

Author, Elizabeth talks about what lead her to creating a nonprofit to help girls recover from sex trafficking and she can’t to terms with all she went through growing up. By providing these different examples of how people can be groomed munis the violated part, she shows can how we can be molded in ways we don’t even realize.

I received my complimentary copy of Groomed by Elizabeth Melendez Fisher Good from W Publishing Group, care of TLC Book Tours. The views are mine and of my own choice. This book is short, but packs an important emotional punch. I think it’s a must read for all women.

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